Monday, January 9, 2017

Love of Films : Short films 1

If you love moving things in screens and if they touch your heart.... you love cinema.

Animated short films are a media of quick entertainment for viewers.

So I'll be having a special short films analysis like this.

Rejected (2000) [Animation, short, comedy] Don Hertzfeldt

A hilarious collection of animated television commercials that were rejected because of their creator's failing grip of sanity.

All these short cartoons reflect the directors' glorious retarded and sort of dreamlike visions in a sarcastic, absurd, violent,abstract and surreal.

His anti-commercial and vague analysis on consumerism is hard to understand but it is definitely against it.

The more the commercials go more darker and anti-consumeristic it becomes.

The ending creates "Rejected(2009)" a combined short animations of films together ending it a more powerful and as usually with extreme absurdity but the paper tearing creates a combination of reality and animation together something you will see in a short animation film.

Overall - 3.5/5

Logorama (2009) [Animation, Short] François AlauxHervé de CrécyLudovic Houplain

Logorama is a homage to american cinema and culture combined with violence, comedy, vulgar language and sex.

A whole new experience for marketers and film goers.

Overall - 4/5


·         - Image: Logorama (2010). Title : The Oscars: Alaux, de Crécy and Houplain Talk 'Logorama'. Format : (Jpg) Available at : (Accessed at : 2017/01/08)

·         - Image : Rejected (2010). Title : Rejected. Format : (Jpg) Available at : (Accessed at : 2017/01/08) 

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