Saturday, January 14, 2017

Breaking Bad : Season 01 - The soul? There's nothing but chemistry here.

This is considered as one of the greatest television shows of history. Critics and fans alike love this show.

Me personally was blown away by it.

It is created by one of the "X-Files" creators, so there is no surprise.

But this is one of the most uniquely dark television drama on a man's journey to perdition and we see it's inception.

We see madness, internal struggle, violence and drugs.

This reminds of Tarantino, Rodriguez, Ritchie and Joe Carnahan. A dark comic take on violence.

Bryan Cranston as Walter White is amazing. One of the best television experiences so far.

Overall - 4/5


Image extracted from the IMDB. (Accessed date - 2017/01/14)

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