Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Lucifer - Season 02 : Y u du dis ?

Lucifer S1 was a jump start to a new unique portrayal of the devil. And I loved it.

It ends when he goes back home (Hell) realising his most feared prisoner was released his mother which excited me more hoping for a positive expansion in the "Lucifer" universe.


"Y u du dis? I cri evri tyme..." is a Sri Lankan meme reflecting on local celebrities and mocking them for doing absurd things and making the victim cry.

Now this is the expression I got when watching Lucifer S2.

It's an utter failure.

Luci's mother is a very shallow and confusing character. And with her arrival suddenly everyone is.

The creators try to revive the B-movie universes, night life culture, celebrity lifestyle and this LA vibe but its just music and images.

The story just moves like it was in the 1st season and it keeps stagnating on Chloe and Luci.

Luci's dark humour feels like preaching now.

The reason everything crashed was Luci's mom and the unstructured nature of her character.

I stopped watching from the fifth episode.

Don't waste time in this utter waste.

Watch Swapna (A Hindi / Sinhala dubbed mega teledrama : Which is also a detective story - Which is equivalent to B-rated Soap operas in US) instead.

A Disappointment.



- Y u du dis? (2016) [Image] Available at : http://i2.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/013/094/nuNAS.png (Accesed date : 12/28/2016 / Time : 2.37 AM)

- Lucifer : Season 02 [Image] Available at : http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4052886/ (Accessed date : 12/28/2016 / Time : 2.38 AM)

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