Tuesday, December 27, 2016

A hologram for the king : DeJaVu

This is a "Tom Hanks" film.

So seeing him itself is enough sometimes for film goers like me. (His charm and quirky acting with emotions are outstanding.)

But this is just like DeJa Vu for me reminding me of "Salmon Fishing in the Yemen (2011)".

Same cultural clash with a more positive vibes from both countries.

Tom Hanks pulled off a good job. The depiction of substance of the story was the issue.

We see a man in a mid-life crisis and trying to sell a holographic communication device to a Saudi king. We see his internal family problems, his past career failures and also his inner struggle that goes with same existential issues that is discussed in many films.

But this is a hollywood film and it's not always the style what I as a viewer expect. Tom Tykwer as a director is innovative, We see some innovative visual takes in this film, but we get the feeling of repetition in this film.

Anyway though it felt repetitive it was a majestic in cinematographic achievement.

Well you can't expect everything right.

Overall - 3/5



- A Hologram for the king (2016) Available at     : http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2980210/mediaviewer/rm387128320 (Accessed at : 12/28/2016 / 1.30AM)

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