Thursday, May 11, 2017

Inside your mind : Christopher Nolan

CN or Christopher Nolan is one of the highest-grossing directors in history, and among the most successful and acclaimed filmmakers of the 21st Century.

Sri Lankans also have a wide based fan following to his films and even study the conceptual framework, film making style and his universes in story lines etc.

He became loved among the Sri Lankan fans for his epic reboot to the DC legend "The Batman" in his "The Dark Knight Trilogy" (2005 - 2012).

Why I love him as a film maker personally is his ability to create a sense of awe in the minds of the audience through real cinematography avoiding CGI (Computer Generated Imagery) as much as possible.

Large scale shots covering many sequences into the tiniest details and also his plots twists and story lines are equally enigmatic and unique.

Simply Nolan's films are rooted in philosophical, sociological and ethical concepts, exploring human morality, the construction of time, and the malleable nature of memory and personal identity. His body of work is permeated by materialistic perspectives, labyrinthine plots, non linear story telling, practical special effects and analogous relationships between visual language and narrative elements.

The title of this article is "Inside your mind : Christopher Nolan".

Nolan through his unique editing, character arcs and by manipulating the storyline has been able to expose the internal mindset of the characters and accordingly it's elemental structure.

Following (1998), Memento (2000) and Insomnia (2002) reflects on one of the most darkest and his distinct depictions of the human mind and it's nature. Through extremely talented film editing, cinematographic excellence and script he has exposed the human mind and it's variability in a very strong and powerful manner. The strength and the impact to the viewer is with how he manipulates the fate of the actors and the characters step by step through puzzle like storyline.

Like when we analyze Memento (2000) the film explores the mind of a guy with a serious mental illness. And when CN slowly explores the character and puts to the screen at the end of the film when we realize how confused we are in the first viewing on the character and his real psychological darkside as well.

Insomnia (2000) is clearly a film on psychopathy but a more colder and a haunting film with relentlessly dark character arcs and his long landscape shots and close ups he manages to pull off a scary reflection of darkness and the human nature.

The Prestige (2006) does not go into the mind but he reflects through his filmmaking style, music and manipulates the atmospheric of the film to give the audience a vision of the characters and the mindset.

Inception (2010) one of his breakthrough films builds on one of the greatest films ever created which actually literally penetrates a human mind. Some of the film's dream sequences are considered amazingly structured and even strong explanations of actually how a human mind works according psychologists.

CN is a manipulator of the audiences mind through his films. He takes a one step forward in all of his film making. As you watch the films it expands into something bigger thematically, cinematography and even in acting. His ability to twist plots to confuse and surprise audiences and through creating his film's atmospheres to create the storyline in a majestic manner strongly in front of the audiences is one of the audiences is one his unique achievements and that's why you should let CN manipulate your mind.



·         Title: Christopher Nolan (2017). Format: (Jpg.). Available at :  (Accessed date : 5/9/2017)


·         Website Title – Article title – Christopher Nolan [Online]. Available at :     (Accessed date : 2017/05/09)

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