Thursday, April 13, 2017

The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011) - A moment when the filmmaker peaks his tradition

The girl with the dragon tattoo (2011) film is based on Steig Larsson's swedish novel and this is the unforgettable adaptation by David Fincher.

Rather than studying the plot I would like to discuss the film makers tradition of film making.

In summary the film reflects journalist Mikael Blomkvist (Played by Daniel Craig) who is aided in his search for a woman who has been missing for forty years by Lisbeth Salander, a young computer hacker (Played by Rooney Mara). The film was nominated for five academy awards and won one academy award for best achievement in film editing.

The both acting performances of lead actors were considered amazing and Rooney Mara was nominated for an oscar for her performance as Lisbeth Salander, The Girl with the dragon tattoo.

Now in this discussion on a film maker peaking his tradition in his 2011 film, The discussion on his films in a chronological order will give a more broader perspective on tradition.

David Fincher's debut film Alien 3 was supposed to be a great moment for him to establish himself in the industry. But unfortunately it didn't work out for him. I discuss these factors in my MovieFreak blog years back. (2012 - July)

But he then created one of his best films Se7en (1995), The Game (1997), Fight Club (1999), Panic Room (2002), Zodiac (2007), The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2011) and Gone Girl (2014).

Many or all of his films after Alien 3 are his own films that has a distinct iconic DF or David Fincher signature style.

His films in a sense of thematically most of them studies psychopathy and the dark nature of humanity and it's macro level impact to society.

His few films take a different approaches.

His "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008)" was considered an amazing poetic and fantasy fused film with reference to the american history and culture with a perspective of a singular individual. Rather than dark themes and the dark atmosphere DF creates films with his unique technical competence which is editing and cinematography. Like "The Big Fish" (2003) where Tim Burton fuses his tradition while "Forrest Gump (1994)" by Robert Zemeckis this DF's singular fictional american story.

"The Social Network (2010)" is the story of "Facebook" may be his best film after his masterpiece "Fight Club (1999)" in my opinion.

Now this article is about TGWTDT(2011). This is a unique film on the darker aspects of human life with reference to the characters discussed in the summary. But like I said since many films of the director are based on the elements of human darkness and he specialises it through acting, editing and cinematography. The greatest technical competence of DF is his use of CGI and TGWTDT (2011) is his greatest film where you can't determine what is real and CGI because he made sure it to be that cool.

And also thematically film maker becomes more and more symphonic in his artwork and in his tradition through heartlessness. And darkness not with atmosphere but with characters and he has peaked it in this film is quite amazing. The filming tone, camera movement and music is bleak and it makes TGWTDT (2011) a peak moment of the filmmakers tradition.



·         Title: The girl with the dragon tattoo (2017). Format: (Jpg.). Available at : (Accessed date : 4/13/2017)

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