Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Detachment (2011) : A Tony Kaye film

Tony Kaye is a radical american film maker. He discusses strong social issues like racism, abortion and decline of the american education system. His heartless vision on human life is his unique filmmaking style.

His career was also destroyed due to his independent behaviour in filmmaking going against the studios and producers.

His film Detachment (2011) discusses the education system, specialising on the high school and it's current decline in value system.

His loveless poetic approach is his trademark that is unique to this film. Quotes from literature and art creates the liveliness of the film.

Overall a very powerful film on human existence and it's study through a teacher's eye's by Tony Kaye.

This is good as Tony Kaye's American History X (1998).

Overall - 3.5/5


·         Image: Detachment (2011). Format : (Jpg) Available at : http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1683526/mediaviewer/rm950120704  (Accessed at : 2017/03/07)

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