Sunday, November 15, 2015

Back again .....

After a long silence of 11 months the reviews for the year 2015 is here. Not all of them.

To review these films I thought to classify them as "Worthy" and "Unworthy" for a change.

Otherwise always the worthy ones get praised and I never get to kick some unworthy asses giving a bad review.

Just kidding.


So shall we give the "unworthy" a beating.


Jurrasic World - Well though it was a hectic film with unprecedented visual effects the film lacks to grasp the originality of the "Jurrasic Park". What I want to point out is that the contribution made from the original film to the industry is not there in this film. The excessive visual effects is quite the same "trump" card the new blockbuster films have always been playing without new innovative approaches for films. Comparatively "Mad Max : Fury Road" is one of the best films I have watched with both Blockbuster and Classic fusion. We'll talk about this later with the "worthy" films.

Overall this film had so much potential and opportunity to make a blast in the industry but missed it. And kinda ruined a childhood favourite franchise.

 Hitman : Agent 47 - "Hitman" though was an amazing and unforgettable game the film franchise did'nt  pulled it off well. Though the first film was an amazing film it did'nt succeeded financially. The next film did'nt achieved in both aspects.

The film had soo many good action sequences but the story line was soo shallow it looked like that agent 47 all had was his muscle but no strategies. It kinda loses it's story on the way as well.

So overall so much funds and technology wasted for another pointless action film.

Chappie - Neil Blomkamp is losing it with each of his upcoming films. He debuted With a 'blast' - District 9. And 'Elysium' was okay. But this is a waste of time.

Seriously a mindless action flick trying to produce unneccesary philosophical assumptions on humanity and it is without any logic and the story flows without any premise.

Like I said an unworthy film of every aspect because in my personal view of trying to be a wannabe philosophical film on human nature.

Terminator Genysis - A destruction of a franchise trying to reboot it and failing for the third time.
If you look closer Mr. James Cameron finished the franchise in the second. And many tried to re boot it twice creating spectacular failures. The third however is another same scenario film that establishes the same loosing streak. Like I said a lot funds wasted for something useless without any premise.

The story tries to innovate bringing all the stories together but misses out the basics. Creating a good film.

Anyway the story ends with a hope of a new universe. Let's hope how it'll perform. No expectations though.

So here goes the "Unworthy".............

Welcome the "Worthy"

Overall this year had so many good films in my opinion.

Inside Out - This film was a real treat.It unlocks many perceptions about the human mind. How it grows and overall one of the best animated films ever to be produced in my opinion.

Very emotional and beutiful film.

The Man from U.N.C.L.E. - Since this is a Guy Ritchie film It is expected to be awesome and it lives upto the standards. Outstanding performance alround action wise as well story wise.

Awesome stuff.

Tomorrowland - Well though this film received mixed reviews, I personally loved it.

Has a beutifully woven story for any dreamer who wishes for a perfect world.

The story of nerds with wishful thinking.

Mission Impossible : Rogue Nation - The series thrives again with an amazing story line and action sequences. Loves Tom Cruise and his films.

And this keeps his track playing in a good beat.

Mad Max : Fury Road - This is one of the best films ever produced by any action film maker. This is outstanding with effects, innovations and most of all the greatest story ever to be put on screen with such grand scale (Post apocalyptic themed).

Loved it. One of my all time favourites.

So here comes an end to a review after a long time.

See you soon. Tc.

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