Friday, July 5, 2013

Scott Pilgrim, A Hobbit and Frankenweenie

Scott Pilgrim Vs. the world (2010)

It's a visually stunning and has sarcastic dialogue which is a creative comic adoption of the same name. It's perfection in execution is astounding and awesome. Story telling is very unique.It's funny in a different way and it's a great performance by the stunning cast.Michael Cera in this movie is awesome.

Overall - 3.5/5

The Hobbit - An unexpected journey (2012)

An epic style film with a witty and funny scenes and also stylish fantasized action "The Hobbit : An unexpected journey" (2012) is another perfected addition to "Lord of the rings trilogy"(2001-2003). The only thing that comes to the mind when watching the movie is that directors capability of putting any audience into a strong emotional level. That is the unique capability of Peter Jackson which is depicted in King Kong(2005) and LOTR Trilogy(2001-2003).

Overall - 3.5 / 5

Frankenweenie (2012)

A pure Tim Burton film with a style and substance "Frankenweenie"(2012) reclaims the lost reputation of Tim Burton from "Dark Shadows" (2012) which is comparably a lower standard Tim Burton movie.
With a beautiful stop motion style Tim Burton creates and gives life to animation movies with the rebirth of the style of his movies.

overall - 3.5 / 5

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