Sunday, July 24, 2016

July was also like the previous month, but still managed to maintain some touch with Cinema.

And also was able to finish "Supernatural : Season 08".

So here goes the reviews.

Concussion (2015)

This film is one of Will Smith's new films that tries to bring him back to the film scene but fails to bring his usual dramatic style and substance may be due to lack of innovation in the film in my perspective.

The film builds on an ordinary doctor who builds a case on NFL players and the unsafe nature of the sport due to the inherent concussions occured in the sport where in the long run creates a dangerous effect and create suicidal impacts to the sportsman and when Dr. Bennet Omalu (palyed by Will Smith) an immigrant from Africa discloses this in a medical magazine he faces a lot of threats and many negative impacts from the AFL making his personal and professional life destroyed and but later his theory was proved by the public making his sacrifice worthwhile.

The only reason the film didn't worked out was in my opinion was that when I watched it, it reminded me of "The Insider (1998)" which was a similar premise but was well executed. But it had some good dialogues and also a unique approach to sports films. Still the impact of the later film I established in the review gives me a lower standard to this film due to it's lack of execution as per the other movie.

Anyway if you love Will Smith you're going to watch this anyway and he pulls of a good film.

Overall - 3.5/5

Demolition (2015)

Demolition (2015) is a usual film of Jean - Marc Valle who mainly focuses on people's personal lives and how they positively or negatively overcome grief through amazing visual style and substance.

This film is about a well-to-do guy who losses his wife in a car accident later tries to identify his own existence and the true relationship he had with his wife.

It's actually a good film but considering the director's style it becomes a consistent experience creating a stagnation of style but unlike his previous  films this character takes his loss extremely negatively and like the title and creates havoc. But it is a very beautifully made experience cinematically.

Overall - 3.5/5

Supernatural : Season 08 (2012)

An amazing come back after the "Leviathon" disaster because personally it felt like actually a season of black goo. (Why - because they was a "one-time" thing and it sucked)

But season 08 is back with the old sarcasm, wit and humour + bloody action.

Both Dean and Sam are chasing something worthwhile now and they are back to the main stories premise.

The ending or the beginning to the next season is amazing.

Overall - 3.5/5

 Wild (2014) 

Like the earlier film but a much more sensitive and darker Jean-Mark Valle's Wild is a recovery story of a real life women after personal train wreck like life and through a hike she reflects upon her own life through her perspective.

Unlike "Demolition" this film's got art and style. It is based on a true story and with great substance, the film was executed amazingly with natural cinematography which personally I liked.

Overall - 3.5/5