Sunday, February 28, 2016

Last few months has created several film events and historic events for film goers.

(01) Force Awakened.

Star Wars : Episode VII : Force Awakens is a monumental film for any film fan.

Any one who loves cinema loves "Star wars".

The first trilogy was epic. It transformed the film industry and created a world wide phenomena.

But the Prequel trilogy crash landed among critics and even fans.

My perspective was that film director George Lucas focused on bigger themes and scope forgetting the basics of the franchise in the prequel trilogy.

The basics was simple.

The first trilogy was all about character depth and all the huge setting and background was just a support to develop the "Star wars" universe. He went vice - versa in the prequels.

The new episode is fresh and keeps us tensed and the depth all around is outstanding. It reminds of the past and nostalgia is consumating and amazing.

New characters and old gives the fans an amazing reboot.

And it is J.J. Abrams monumental achievement of being able to reboot the biggest Sci-Fi franchises in the industry. And he did it amazingly. Both "Star Wars" and "Star Trek" is head to head now.

(02) Will "The Revenant (2015)" revive Leo's Taboo in Oscar bad luck ?

The new film of Leo Dicaprio which is highly acclaimed by the critcs and fans is back in spotlight because it is now nominated for 12 oscars and it includes the best actor nomination as well. 

And Leo is not lucky with Oscars. 

But this film is unique. It is both monumental for the actor as well as for the director Alejandro González Iñárritu. 

Because it was built on hard work and dedication. And Leo had a hard time playing the role. He actually went on a strict diet and even stayed in the winter like climates to get into the act. 

In my pespective this will be his day.... Hopefully.

(03) Kung Fu Panda 3 : Rocks.

KP 3 resurrects the energy of the story it brought from the first. More funnier and graphically beautiful the film maker establishes strong back story from the first two and also brings the enhacements of the scope of the characters.

The best thing I like about this is the fun and jokes it provides the audience and it is re-enegizing entrance to the franchise.