Monday, December 29, 2014

Never To Late

After a four month silence and in the end of 2014 I am in a situation "as usual" where I myself have too finish off an entire year's film reviews in three days.

So here we go.

Day - 1


A non stop thrill ride from the beginning to end. Liam Neeson as usual in his style pulls off the impossible and makes a satisfying thriller. The director pulled off his usual twisted thriller like his earlier "Unknown (2011)".

Overall - 3.5/5

X-Men Days of Future Past

This is not just one of the best X men film's but one of the best super hero film adaptations up to date. With one of the greatest cast ensemble to the screen and great execution this becomes a masterpiece.The Quicksilver scene is one of the best scene's put into film this year in my view.

Overall - 4/5

300 : Rise of an Empire

Though there was a strong effect of creativity and emotions bought down by the predecessor to cinema the sequel lacks it's affect by only creating an action film with lots of blood. Only positive in this film was how the film maker connects it with the prequel. But it still lacks the innovation the last film had.

Overall - 3/5


Film maker tries to bring out something new with his story and cinematography, but in his execution it becomes bland and lifeless as the AI of the itself. Though I'm a big fan of Johnny Depp he doesn't do anything special with his acting he acts like a robot as expected. Have to respect the Animations and the graphics because they were well created.

Overall - 3/5

Captain America : The Winter Soldier

This year has been one of the best year's for Comic book adaptations because most of them was financially and as well as critically hailed by the audiences and critics. This is one of those films.
Captain America sequel makes the franchise more alive by creating an espionage thriller type film bringing mind meddling twists. One of the best action films of the year.

Overall - 4/5